At Calier, we are strongly committed to people and our planet. And even though we carry out actions that have some impact on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) defined by the UN, we’ve identified 5 of them that are a priority for us, and therefore, we contribute towards them more significantly always from the point of view of our activity in animal health and our One Health positioning.
Here's a recap of the 5 SDGs essential for us and how we contribute to them:
SDG 3: Health & Well-being

As part of the Indukern Group (along with the pharmaceutical laboratory Kern Pharma), at Calier we contribute directly to SDG 3 promoting health and wellbeing. We do that by developing products and solutions that guarantee food safety and disease control. An example of this is our innovative vaccines for poultry and insect-repellent collars for pets.

In addition, we also take care of our employees’ health by carrying out different initiatives to boost their well-being.
We’d like to highlight Healthy Week, which took place in our installations in Spain. During that week there were free fruit corners, fitness classes, or team running sessions to help keep improving our employees' and collaborators’ health and well-being.
This action is part of all the initiatives we already do within our Health Plan, like an internal medicine service or a subsidized physiotherapy service for our employees.
We’ve also prompted the “Calier Amigo” program, thanks to which more than 50 dogs from shelters all over Spain have started a new happy life. In this initiative, we also inform adoptive families about responsible ownership, we give them information about our products and help them keep their new pets healthy.
SDG 8: Economic growth

“Employees are the companies’ main pillars. Only if they grow, the organization will be able to achieve great results and competitiveness”. This quote from Raúl Díaz-Varela, Managing Director at Calier, is completely aligned with SDG 8 and it reflects how employees, at Calier, are always a priority.
We foster personal development, and we also promote equal opportunities, diversity, and work-life balance. We’ve implemented a hybrid work model by establishing different options for employees to work from home or the office depending on their roles and responsibilities.
On the other hand, we work with agile methodologies, and we create transversal teams where our employees can speak out and bring value regardless of their position. This shows our clear commitment to a horizontal organization.
Our claim, Feel, Create, Share sums up our employee culture; every employee feels our project as their own, they create their professional trajectory beyond their job description and can share enriching experiences and knowledge with their peers.
SDG 12 - Sustainable Consumption and Production

In our sustainability efforts, there is our contribution to SDG 12: we develop our products through responsible management that integrates environmental sustainability in every process. A commitment that’s reflected through the Environment Management System by the norm ISO 14001:2015.
We also promote a circular economy in our packaging by using cardboard and FSC paper for the boxes and leaflets.
Our commitment to quality and responsible production is also reflected in the continuous improvement of our production processes. Here stands out the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) indicator, which is a key tool to measure the efficiency of the production process in our factories. We use this efficient indicator in Spain and the last exercise, we extended it to our factory of biology in Colombia.
SDG 13 - Climate Action
As an industrial company, we are aware of the impact our activity has on the environment and we’ve got the objective of reducing our atmospheric emissions of any pollutants. Currently, all the electricity that we consume comes from 100% renewable energy. This achievement is supported by the Guarantee of Origin certificate, which accredits that all the electricity we buy is renewable.
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

We can’t accomplish all SDGs ourselves, and in particular, in regard to our contribution to SDG 17, partnerships, and collaborations with NGOs, public institutions, and non-profit organizations, are key for generating a positive impact.
We have sectorial partnerships with entities like Veterindustria and we promote specific collaborations with organizations that help us reach common objectives. Another example of these partnerships is our recent corporate volunteering action: together with the Asociación Protectora de Animales y Plantas de León, in which our employees took dogs that are waiting to be adopted by families for a walk.
Another action we’ve recently carried out is the Christmas Cards workshop in collaboration with La Casa de Carlota, a pioneer design studio that integrates into their team people with intellectual disabilities – that allowed us to create very talented and inclusive Christmas cards.
Sustainability in Calier it’s everyone’s business and it involves all our activities and collaborators in a transversal way.